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Are you looking for increased flexibility, less pain or relaxation?   You’ve come to the right place. 

Many individuals think they are losing their fight in the aging process.  Lifestyle choices and poor posture, etc. are taking their toll.  Neck and lower back pain, pain between the shoulder blades, chronic tension headaches, and arthritis pain start stealing minutes from their days, leaving them fatigued and less likely to do the things they love.

Doctors will even tell you to expect these things over the age of 40.  This simply is not true for many people, especially if their lifestyles require them to either under or over use their muscles.  Believe it or not, under use is one of the biggest problems we see today.  When ignored, the slightest structural imbalance; caused by physical activity, engaging in an activity we have not done for a few years, or simply sleeping the wrong way - they can all lead to discomfort resulting in compensatory patterns. 
Massage is an effective way to manage pain. maintain your livelihood, and remain the best you.

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